Pam Goodison Glass Artist
Pam Goodison Glass Artist
Pam has been working with stained glass for the last ten years. She started by attending a ‘workshop’ at a local college in Sheffield and caught ‘the bug’!

Since then Pam has worked in both the copper foiling and leaded techniques. She has successfully designed and made windows for herself and commissions. Pam has also made smaller pieces such as sun catches and 3D work. In 2012 she studied the art of fused glass at Darton College. This has opened up a world of different creative opportunities for her.
Pam says
" I love working with glass. The colours and effects created can be amazing. I have always had an interest in the stories told in old church windows. The sun shining through them creates a sense of spirituality."
Pam studied art at school and was to go on to Degree level. Sadly she was unable to follow her dream but has found that her ‘creative style’ has appeared in other ways, namely through her eye for design and work with glass.
Commissions can be undertaken through consultation.
If you have an idea for a piece of glass art you would like please contact us at
Alternatively visit Pams Website
please mention us when contacting her.